Need a thought-leader on Women 50+?

BRANDfit consultants can share insights that inspire new ways of thinking about this influential audience. Culturally relevant and geared to energize new thinking, BRANDfit partners can be engaged to speak at events and conferences, motivate small teams or rally an entire organization. Topics include:


How She Buys:

Thought-provoking and practical insights into how she researches, shops, shares and purchases. BRANDfit will cover ways she is uniquely poised to advocate for your cause more than any other audience, and important factors to earn her trust. Gain insight through best practices from brands and organizations that are getting it right, and expectations of how the brand experience is expected to evolve with her.


Her Whole World:

BRANDfit reveals the key nuances and variations of how W50+ move through the world, including her views on commerce, community and culture. Explore the diverse segments and alternate mindsets within this value-minded, brand-curious, experientially-driven audience.


Marketing to W50+:

Relevant, myth-busting and packed with actionable ideas, BRANDfit provides intel on the wealthiest audience in our modern marketplace. Spanning Gen X, Empty Nesters, Boomers and beyond, it’s a complicated mind field to master. Learn about the distinct cultural dynamics that shape her viewpoints, and how social connections foster her inspiration, spur her exploration and impact her brand choices.